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Trinity College Beenleigh

To whom it may concern

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Az Hamilton to come and speak at your school.

In the last few months I’ve had the privilege to get Az along to speak to my grade 10 and 11 classes. I requested he visit Trinity College after seeing him speak passionately to a few of our students at a week end leaders retreat. It was clear that this message would impact more than just a couple of students and needed to be heard by a larger audience. After coming to speak to the grade 10 class we further more requested another visit for the 11’s as it had such a great impact.

It is without a doubt that Az has an ability to connect with his audience leaving the students in stitches as well as taking them on a journey of discovery when it comes to the developing world and what has to be done for children right now. 

Knowing my students and the way they react to guest speakers I was wary of the time allocated being an hr length presentation. However, right from the beginning to the end the students were thoroughly engaged.  And I would encourage any school to give as much time as possible to see the presentation have its full effect.

The follow up response from our students has been incredibly encouraging with students from both classes forming a lunch group to work through the issues of poverty and inspire other students to get generous and passionate for children around the world.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me

Yours sincerely,


Paul Curtis

Assistant to Religious Education Coordinatora