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Suncoast Christian Outreach College

To Whom it may concern:

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to have Az Hamilton stop by my school for “Just Motivations” hour long presentation.

From the outset, Az obviously has a natural and professional ability to connect with student audiences in a practical and inspirational manner. I was thrilled with the response we had from our students, not only towards Az as a person, but also in response to the message and challenge he brought on Social Justice. Az has a unique way that he can bring a serious and relevant challenge to students, whilst being humorous and encouraging at the same time.

As being a large youth community, we have many guests come through and share with our students, and I would put Az and his message up there with some of the best we’ve ever had the privilege of being blessed by.

Without doubt, I would have Az come and speak again at my school and youth group, and I would wholly endorse him to anyone considering him to share with their community.


Jonathan Gullo

Chaplain & Youth Pastor Suncoast Church