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Toowoomba State High School - Wilsonton Campus

To Whom It May Concern:

Recently Az Hamilton visited the Toowoomba State High School – Wilsonton Campus as a Motivational Speaker.  Az presented a highly interactive production on the topic of ‘Social Justice’.  The presentation was relevant, engaging, funny and inspiring.  Az commanded the attention of the students through his witty and creative use of multi-media and demonstrative story telling.  The topic of social justice was presented in such a way that it not only brought to life the suffering of the third world, but also the everyday struggles confronting our very own students.  Not only did Az give an excellent overview of what social justice is all about, but he also provided solutions that were significant yet achievable and relevant in our own community.  Az included ‘bullying’ as an element of social injustice and encouraged students to be culture changers.

Az Hamilton has a wealth of experiences from which he draws to illustrate the vast gap between the western culture of affluence and the third world affliction.  Using that image, Az provokes the social justice conscience in all of us and encourages students to not only appreciate the wealth, education, health and excess that is all too often taken for granted; but to also seek to identify where there is injustice and strive for social equity.

A delightful presentation that leaves a lasting impression and is an excellent resource for ongoing discussion or pastoral care interactions.


Leisa Luna

School Chaplain, TSHS – Wilsonton Campus